Sunday, April 15, 2007

My picts of lora's wedding

Lora's wedding was a load of fun. Here are the picts I took during the festivities.

Easter treats and yummy eats!

This past week was pretty busy for us starting with Easter Sunday
that we spent with our friends Chris & Molly Jordan. Then is was time for the Cub Scout talent show and cake auction. Jenny and the boys came up with some pretty great creations. The talent show was great! Aaron sang Book of Mormon Stories in front of a crowd of about 50 people, Matthew played a piano number and Josh played AND sang "Into the West" from Lord of the Rings in front of everyone, brave soul. They all did great.
Both cakes also did pretty good. The pirate ship cake brought about $40 even though by the time we got it to the auction it looked like it took several hits from cannon balls and was going down to see "old hobb", and the hot dog cake brought $15 from the auction. Not too shabby! The rest of the week was taken up with soccer, soccer, soccer and more soccer!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

More photos of the house

additional photos:

New House

Well, its final. We have purchased a new house. Well, new to us anyway. It is in the older part of our neighborhood but we get to stay in our same ward, our same schools, and the boys get to stay close to all of their close friends that they have worked so hard to make over this last year. We can't be more excited! We will be renting the house to the previous owners until November while they are building a new home then we should move in around December. I have attached some photos to give you a little tour of the place. We love everything about it however, we will be taking out the wood paneling from the basement walls soon after moving in.